Main Page
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Recent news
- 2025-02-09 - Released U-Boot jookia/20250209
See News for older news.
Here are some interesting pages on this site:
- Category:Top_level - The starting point for browsing this site
- Special:AllPages - Every page on this site
- nopl - An article I wrote on some niche x86 CPU history
- AMD Geode - An x86 single-board computer I own
- Recursion - Useful recursion examples
- Blind electronics - Doing electronics without sight
- Security usability - My examination on modern security software
- Links - My curated list of links to other websites and resources
- Keys - Security keys I use to sign software
- TODO - Stuff I probably should get done here
Contact details
You can find me at:
- YouTube: Jookia
- Twitch: jookia2
- Discord: jookia
- GitHub: Jookia on GitHub
- Email:
- IRC: Jookia on Libera Chat and OFTC